EASY to use
A-PDF Restrictions Remover is extremely easy to use. Just right click the PDF file in Windows Explorer, and in the context-sensitive menu that pops up, select either the “Remove Restrictions” or “Remove Restrictions & Save as…” option. In just a few seconds, you will have a PDF file with no restrictions. You can edit, print, copy, and more with your PDF files.
And you can quickly adjust ‘settings’ so that the original restricted files are preserved with a .BAK extension, and/or have them save to a different default directory.

With A-PDF Restrictions Remover, you can remove the password and restrictions in a few seconds.
Unable to download as it say only owner can download. please advise
Dear, when you press download button,
It opens… Goggle drive link.
You have to press “Download button” downward arrow key at top right corner …
Your issue will be resolved
Google drive link say: “Sorry, this file is infected with a virus. Only the owner is allowed to download infected files.”
Download link 2 added….
Now you will face no issue
Thanks now all ok!
Google drive link say: “Sorry, this file is infected with a virus. Only the owner is allowed to download infected files.”
please advise
Please check
new links are updated.
where is link, i dont see it.
Dear, Blue Color “Download” button
Above the comment section.
Link is working. i have checked it myself