FRAME spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of plane frame analysis of portal and gable rigid plane frames subjected to various types of loading. Specifically, the “stiffness matrix” method of analysis is used to determine the unknown joint displacements, support reactions, and member end forces. Individual frame members are also analyzed to determine the shears and intermediate moments. Plots of both the shear and moment diagrams are also produced.
Also, the frame is drawn for visual confimation of geometry/configuration. Program Assumptions and Limitations:
1. This program uses the “stiffness matrix” method of analysis and four (4) following basic analysis assumptions: Members must be of constant cross section (E and I are constant for entire length). Deflections must not significantly alter the geometry of the problem. Stress must remain within the “elastic” region. Since this analysis is “first-order”, the effects of “P-D”, “P-d”, and shear deformation are not included.
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