Program Description:
“CONVCALC” is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of facilitating the adding and
subtracting of numbers (dimensions) represented in English “ft.-in. & fraction” format, as well as converting
those numbers to Metric (millimeter) equivalents. Also included are some miscellaneous English/Metric
conversions pertaining specifically to mass, force, and unit length or area.
This program is a workbook consisting of five (5) worksheets, described as follows:
Worksheet Name Description
Doc This documentation sheet
ft-in-frac Calculator (Ver. 1) Calculator to Add and Subtract feet, inches, and fractions (Version 1)
ft-in-frac Calculator (Ver. 2) Calculator to Add and Subtract feet, inches, and fractions (Version 2)
Metric Conversion Calculator Calculator to Add/Subtract in Metric with English Conversions
Misc. Conversions Miscellaneous English/Metric Conversions
Program Assumptions and Limitations:
- The “ft-in-frac Calculator (Ver. 1)” and “ft-in-frac Calculator (Ver. 2)” worksheets are two different input format
versions of the same tool to add and/or subtract up to fifteen (15) entries. In each of these two (2) worksheets,
the input is first displayed for confirmation. Then, it is converted into decimal feet, and finally converted into a
Metric equivalent in terms of millimeters. Arithmetic results are totalled and displayed at the bottom. - The “ft-in-frac Calculator (Ver.1)” worksheet has a required input format as follows:
ft = whole feet
in = whole inches (0 to 11 max.)
N = numerator of fraction (if applicable)
D = denominator of fraction (if applicable)
Note: Do not input a numerator value (N) >= denominator value (D). However, 0/0 may be input for no fraction
value, or clear cells with “Clear Contents” (do not use “Space Bar”). - The “ft-in-frac Calculator (Ver. 2)” worksheet has a required input format as follows:
where: ft = whole feet
in = whole inches (2 digits required, if applicable)
NN = numerator of fraction (2 digits required, if applicable)
DD = denominator of fraction (2 digits required, if applicable)
Examples of input: 4′-7 1/8″ is input as 4.070108
10′-11 13/16 is input as 10.111316
2′-1″ is input as 2.01 (trailing zeros not required)
Note: This version is included due to the similarity of form and function to past programs developed for HP
handheld calculators. - In the “Metric Conversion Calculator” worksheet, the input in millimeters is converted into decimal feet and
then displayed in feet, inch, and fraction format. Arithmetic results are totalled and displayed at the bottom. - In the “Metric Conversion Calculator” worksheet, the user can input the degree of accuracy to be used in
conversion from millimeters to feet, inch, and fraction format. Either 1/16″ or 1/32″ may be selected. - All three (3) “Calculator” worksheets require the user to select the arithmetic operator to be used for each
entry, either addition (+) or subtraction (-). Note: if left blank, the program assumes addition (+). - This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box”
is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular “comment box”.)