SPREADSHEETS FOR CONCRETE DESIGN TO BS 8110 and EC2 User Guide to Excel spreadsheet files for contemporary reinforced concrete design to BS 8110: Part 1, 1997 and EC2 (ENV 1992) with commentary C H Goodchild BSc, CEng, MCIOB, MIStructE R M Webster CEng, FIStructE
NB This version of the User Guide may have been superseded by the publication Spreadsheets for concrete design to BS 8110 and EC2 and by the file UserGuid.pdf
Foreword This publication was produced by the Reinforced Concrete Council (RCC) as part of its project ‘Spreadsheets for concrete design to BS 8110 and EC2’. This project was jointly funded by the RCC and the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) under its Partners in Technology scheme and was made possible by members of industry with their contributions in kind. The RCC was set up to promote better knowledge and understanding of reinforced concrete design and building technology. Its members are Allied Steel & Wire, representing the major suppliers of reinforcing steel in the UK, and the British Cement Association, representing the major manufacturers of Portland cement in the UK. Charles Goodchild is Senior Engineer for the Reinforced Concrete Council. He was responsible for the concept and management of this project and this publication. Rod Webster of Concrete Innovation & Design is principal author of the spreadsheets. He has been writing RC spreadsheets since 1984 and is expert in the design of tall concrete buildings and in advanced analytical method